How to Register a Domain Name
If you already have an account, please login to your account at If you have never registered for one, please register for a new account by clicking on the Register Domain button on the side panel at
After you have logged into your account, click on the Domain (2.1) menu, and click on the Register Domain (2.2) menu.
Insert the desired domain name that you’d like to register in the empty field(s)(3.1) (omit the www in front). Then, choose the desired extension by ticking a check box above the desired extensions(3.2) (such as or, etc.). After that, click on the yellow Check(3.3) button. The system will check for the availability of the domain, as shown below.
4. If your domain name(s) are available, select the period (in years) that you would like to register, and click Next afterwards.
5. You will then be taken to the My Cart page, where the overview of your order will be displayed. After you have checked the correction of the order, press Next.
6. The order confirmation page will be shown, along with the total balance due. Please choose your payment method from two of the methods available: 1) via Bank Transfer or 2) via Paysbuy (credit card and Paypal payment).
7. Agree to the DotArai Registration Agreement by ticking the check box after you have read the terms and agreements of the services. Then, click on the Confirm order button below.
8. Your payment confirmation details will be displayed. If you selected and finished the Paysbuy payment, your registration request process is now completed. Otherwise, please make your payment and submit the money transfer evidences to DotArai, by scanning the Bank/ATM slips (or any other items that serves as a valid evidence of the money transfer) and uploading them to the product basket menu. (.th domain registration need a supporting document as stated at Supporting document for .th registration, please send the document to
Note: Should you wish to acquire the quotation for the order, please click on the Quotation button above. You may then print the quotation generated by the system right away.
Please keep in mind that this quotation is generated from the database using the information submitted to us when you requested to register the domain name. Should you wish to make any adjustments to the content displayed in the quotation, or wish to receive the original copy of the quotation by postal mail, please inform us via email: